

I am a Research Assistant Professor in the Plankton Ecology and Limnology Lab in the Biology Department at the University of Oklahoma. I'm interested in understanding the impact of anthropogenically-mediated environmental changes on the community dynamics of aquatic organisms. That is, how do the various aspects of global change, including eutrophication, climate change, habitat fragmentation, and invasive species, affect primary producers and grazers in aquatic ecosystems? I use a combination of long-term monitoring, lab experiments, and meta-analyses to address these questions. I have studied interactions between invasive species and ecosystems, using zebra mussels, golden algae, and the invasive water flea, Daphnia lumholtzi as models. Harmful algal blooms, of both golden algae and bluegreen algae have been and continue to be a major focus of my work. My current work focuses on the interactions between bloom-forming cyanobacteria and their associated microbiome, investigating the facilitating and antagonistic role of the microbiome with cyanobacteria.


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Glidewell, D., J.E. Beyer, K. D. Hambright. (2024) Microcystins bioaccumulate but do not biomagnify in an experimental aquatic food chain. Harmful Algae.

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Cook, K. V., J. E. Beyer, X. Xiao, K. D. Hambright. (2023) Ground-based remote sensing provides alternative to satellites for monitoring cyanobacteria in small lakes. Water Research 242: 120076.

Cai, H., C. J. Mclimans, J. E. Beyer, L. R. Krumholz, K. D. Hambright. (2023) Microcystis pangenome reveals cryptic diversity within and across morphospecies. Science Advances 9(2): eadd3784.

Hallidayschult, T. C., J. E. Beyer, K. D. Hambright. (2021) Spatial variation in propagule pressure and establishment of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) within a subtropical reservoir. Aquatic Invasions 16(1): 94-112.

Witt, B. A., J. E. Beyer, T. C. Hallidayschult, and K. D. Hambright. (2019) Short-term toxicity effects of Prymnesium parvum on zooplankton community composition. Aquatic Sciences 81:55. doi

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R script from this publication can be downloaded here.

Beyer, J. E., R. M. Zamor, and K. D. Hambright. (2019) Detection limits affect the predictability of the presence of an invasive harmful alga across geographic space. Biological Invasions 21(7): 2301-2311. doi

Data from this publication can be downloaded here.

Beyer, J. E., and K. D. Hambright. (2019) The niche and morphology of the invasive Daphnia lumholtzi in a subtropical reservoir, 20 years after invasion. Journal of Plankton Research 41(2): 90-100. doi

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Beyer, J. E., and K. D. Hambright. (2017) Maternal effects are no match for stressful conditions: a test of the maternal match hypothesis in a common zooplankter. Functional Ecology 31(10): 1933-1940. doi

Data from this publication can be downloaded here:

Beyer, J. E., and K. D. Hambright. (2016) Persistent and delayed effects of cyanobacteria exposure on life history traits of a common zooplankter. Limnology & Oceanography 61(2): 587-595. doi

Khazan, E. S., E. G. Bright, J. E. Beyer. (2015) Land management impacts on tree hole invertebrate communities in a Neotropical rainforest. Journal of Insect Conservation 19(4): 681-690. doi

Data from this publication can be downloaded here.

Hambright, K. D., J. E. Beyer, J. D. Easton, R. M. Zamor, A. C. Easton, T. C. Hallidayschult. (2015) The niche of an invasive marine microbe in a subtropical freshwater impoundment. The ISME Journal 9: 256-264. doi

Hambright, K. D., J. D. Easton, R. M. Zamor, J. E. Beyer, A. C. Easton, and B. Allison. (2014) Regulation of growth and toxicity of a mixotrophic microbe: implications for understanding range expansion in Prymnesium parvum. Freshwater Science 33(3): 745-754. doi

Beyer, J., Moy, P., and De Stasio, B. (2011) Acute upper thermal limits of three aquatic invasive invertebrates: hot water treatment to prevent upstream transport of invasive species. Environmental Management 47(1): 67-76. doi

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